Archive - News from RHMS of Serbia (2013 - 2018)
Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, Director of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) and Permanent Representative of Serbia with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) chaired the opening session of the 17th Informal Conference of Directors of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services from South-East Europe (ICSEED-17) and the 4th meeting of the Council of the South-East European Consortium for Operational weather Prediction (SEECOP-4) held in Ohrid, 8-10 October 2018. The meetings were attended by the representatives of national meteorological and hydrological services from Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina (both entities), Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Israel, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania and Ukraine, as well as the representatives of the following international organizations: European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts – ECMWF, Network of European National Meteorological Services – EUMETNET, German International Cooperation Agency (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ), International Sava River Basin Commission – ISRBC, World Bank – WB (over video link) and World Meteorological Organization – WMO.
The goal of the ICSEED meeting was to exchange experiences and strengthen regional cooperation by using all capacities on regional level with the aim of producing the best possible forecasts, early warnings and alerts related to the meteorological and hydrological events, in order to save lives and property. Meteorological and hydrological disasters know no national boundaries, which makes this kind of cooperation essential for the production of timely and accurate warnings and alerts. A large contribution to regional cooperation is provided by the South-East European Consortium for Operational weather Prediction (SEECOP) established following an initiative by the Republic of Serbia. Director of the National Meteorological Service of Israel has proposed, and meeting participants unanimously accepted that the following ICSEED and SEECOP Council meetings be held in Israel in 2019. |
RHMSS CELEBRATED ITS DAY | 27.09.2018. | |
On the holiday of Krstovdan (the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) 130 years ago, on 27 September 1888, Minister of Education and Church Affairs Vladan Djordjevic issued a Decision on the establishment of a unified meteorological station network in the Kingdom of Serbia. For this reason, September 27, day of the establishment of the national meteorological service in Serbia, has been celebrated as Day of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia. RHMSS marked this significant date in its history on 27 September 2018.
Conference on weather and climate modelling held in Belgrade | 10.09.2018. | |
On 10 September 2018, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), supported by RHMSS, organized a scientific conference titled “NUMERICAL WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING - Beginnings, Now, and Vision of the Future”. This conference was organized through the SASA Board for Earth’s Climate System and the Work of Milutin Milankovic, with Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, RHMSS Director, being one of its members. The conference was attended by renowned scientists from several countries. During the conference, RHMSS representatives gave two presentations: on the impact of aerosols on weather and climate, and on the concept applied by RHMSS in an integrated modeling system for producing forecasts, ranging from short-term to climate forecasts.
RHMSS in the Night of Museums 2018 | 20.05.2018. | |
The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) participated in this year’s national Night of Museums, organized for the 15th time in a row, with its exhibition titled “Sunny, with showers of excitement”.
This year RHMSS marks 170 years since Lyceum Professor Vladimir Jaksic initiated daily meteorological measurements in Serbia. In the Night of Museums, more than 1200 visitors to RHMSS’ exhibition had an opportunity to see original documents and copies from the XIX century, to examine meteorological data measured at 28 meteorological stations in Serbia and to get familiar both with the ground-based observations of basic meteorological parameters at the meteorological station in front of the Meteorological Observatory Belgrade (MOB), located in the Karadjordje Park, and with the upper air observations of meteorological parameters performed by launching a meteorological balloon with related sondes in the atmosphere. An informative presentation on the exhibition is available for viewing/download (Nocmuzeja-RHMSS-19.5.2018_engl.pps) |
Jugoslav Nikolic Full Professor RHMSS Director and Kyle Scott U.S. Ambassador to Serbia |
03.04.2018. | |
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RHMSS Director, Prof. Jugoslav Nikolic and US Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott
- Responding to journalists’ questions
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Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Serbia, Mr Kyle Scott, visited the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia on 3 April 2018, on the occasion of the presentation of a donated system for improving flood warnings in the Sava River basin.
Hydrological project “Development of the Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System in the Sava River Basin” is in its final stage. The US Government has approved financing of IT equipment for the final project phase. The computer system for the project users, worth one million dollars, is donated by the US European Command, in cooperation with the US Army Corps of Engineers. This project will undoubtedly be of immense importance in terms of the reduction of negative impacts of potential floods in the Sava River basin for all users, members of the International Sava River Basin Commission, both from Serbia and from Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. The system is planned to become operational by the end of 2018, enabling, inter alia, RHMSS to have available all information and products of the national hydrometeorological services, members of the Commission, through a joint platform in real time. |
SEECOF-18, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Winter 2017/2018 | 02.12.2017. | |
SEECOF-18, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for winter 2017/2018 - SEE Region & Caucasus Region and Climate Outlook for winter 2017/2018 in Serbia.
Documents for download: Consensus Statement SEECOF-18 - winter 2017-2018.pdf Climate outlook for winter 2017-2018 in Serbia.pdf |
Military Academy Cadets visited RHMSS |
10.11.2017. | |
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On 10 November 2017, cadets from the Military Academy of the University of Defense in Belgrade visited the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) as part of their practical classes. The cadets had an opportunity to get familiar with, among other things, the competencies and activities of RHMSS, the methodology of upper-air and surface meteorological measurements and observations, and the work and products of different organizational units. |
Third Meeting of the SEECOP Council and Workshop on the Use of NMMB model | 16.10.2017. | |
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Third Meeting of the Council of the South East European Consortium for Operational weather Prediction (SEECOP)
& Workshop on the Use of the NMMB Atmospheric Model for Weather Prediction in the South East Europe (SEEWEATHER)
he Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia will host the Third Meeting of the Council of the South East European Consortium for Operational weather Prediction (SEECOP, which will be held on 23 October 2017 in Belgrade. At the same time, within the framework of the activities of the Consortium, the Workshop on the Use of the NMMB Atmospheric Model for Weather Prediction in the South East Europe will be organized in the period from 23 to 27 October 2017 with the financial support of the Cooperation Fund of the Central European Initiative (CEI): The objective of the Workshop, which will include a lot of hand-on trainings, is to train specialists from the Region on work with the NMMB modelling system, enabling its implementation and operative use in their respective institutions of the SEE countries.
RHMSS becomes a member of ESSL | 21.07.2017. | |
At the beginning of July 2017, the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) became a member of the European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL) and signed a Partner Agreement on the European Severe Weather Database (ESWD).
ESSL was established in 2002 as an informal network of European scientists, and by 2006 it evolved into a registered non-profit association seated in Wessling, Germany. The purpose of ESSL is the enhancement of meteorology and other related sciences in the field of research of severe convective storms and extreme weather events on a European level; maintenance and development of ESWD; and support to and organization of the European Conferences on Severe Storms (ECSS). RHMSS will benefit from the membership in ESSL in terms of improved operation of its hydrometeorological early warning system and increased availability of workshops and trainings on severe convective storms forecasting. Reliable data on the severe storms that affect the territory of Serbia are an important source of information for forecasting and diagnostic needs. Those data enable meteorologists to analyse extreme weather events in order to improve and increase their ability to produce forecasts and issue timely warnings on severe meteorological phenomena such as hail, storm wind, lightning and heavy rain. The hydrometeorological early warning and alert system, as a significant segment of RHMSS activities, will thus contribute to the reduction of damages and protection of human lives. Information on severe convective storms is particularly important for all weather-dependent sectors such as agriculture, air traffic, navigation, road traffic and construction. In the previous period, RHMSS has become a full member of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and European Network of National Meteorological Services (EUMETNET), as well as a cooperating member state of the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), which enhanced the operation of RHMSS to a great extent. Membership in ESSL represents a further contribution towards the achievement of the strategic goals of RHMSS as the National Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Serbia. |
RHMSS in the Night of Museums 2017. | 09.06.2017. | |
The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) participated in this year’s, 14th in a row, national Night of Museums, with its exhibition titled „Eventually, it all comes down to weather - 70 years of RHMSS! More than 1200 visitors to the exhibition had an opportunity to get introduced with the measurements of basic meteorological parameters in the meteorological circle in front of the Meteorological Observatory Belgrade (MOB), that is, the Milankovic Climate Centre, located in the Karadjordje Park. Along with that, within the MOB building gallery space, there was an exhibition on the development of meteorological and hydrological activity in Serbia, featuring numerous old instruments for meteorological and hydrological measurements and valuable original books and manuscripts.
More details on the exhibition could be found in the attached pps document available for viewing/download (Nocmuzeja - RHMZ - 20.5.2017_engleski.pps). |
Climate Outlook for Summer 2017 in Serbia | 07.06.2017. | |
Climate Outlook for Summer 2017 in Serbia | ||
Documents for download: | Climate Outlook for Summer 2017 in Serbia | |
Consensus Statement SEECOF-17 for summer 2017 | ||
Project DriDanube – “Drought Risk in the Danube region” | 31.05.2017. | |
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Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia has commenced implementation of the Project "Drought Risk in the Danube region" (DriDanube) within the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme 2014-2020. The overall objective of this project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund and IPA funds, is reducing the effects of drought in the Danube river basin by introducing modern monitoring, early warning and drought risk assessment tools into operational use, as well as by enhancing the response capacity to the drought onset.
More about the project… |
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Every year, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and its 191 Member States, as well as the meteorological expert and scientific community worldwide, traditionally celebrate World Meteorological Day. The Convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, dealing with research, monitoring and forecasting of atmospheric, climate and water processes and conditions, came into force on 23 March 1950.
This year, WMO has devoted World Meteorological Day to clouds, with the theme “Understanding clouds”. In accordance with the current circumstances, the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) marked World Meteorological Day on 23 March in a working atmosphere. After the opening address of Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, RHMSS Director, Mr. Goran Mihajlovic, Head of the National Center for Hydrometeorological Early Warning and Alert System, gave an expert presentation on “Understanding Clouds”. A traditional address of WMO Secretary-General, Mr. Petteri Taalas, on the occasion of this year’s World Meteorological Day can be found on the following link:, while the latest edition of the International Cloud Atlas, symbolically published on World Meteorological Day in the electronic form, can be found on the following webpage: |
SEECOF-16, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Winter 2016/2017 | 02.12.2016. | |
SEECOF-16, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for winter 2016/2017 - SEE Region & Caucasus Region and Climate Outlook for winter 2016/2017 in Serbia.
Documents for download: Consensus Statement SEECOF-16 - winter 2016-2017.pdf Climate outlook for winter 2016-2017 in Serbia.pdf |
RHMSS organized two meetings on European Climate Centers | 28.11.2016. | |
Under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in Belgrade, from 11 to 14 October 2016, the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) organized a Coordination meeting of the Regional Climate Center Network in the WMO Regional Association VI (WMO RA VI RCC-Network), and a Workshop on the Implementation of WMO RA VI RCC-Network. The two meetings were attended by 42 representatives of NMHSs from 27 countries of RA VI, as well as by high-level representatives of WMO.
Participants of this meeting (photo) Additional information on RA VI RCC-Network: |
14.11.2016. | |
On 14 and 15 November 2016, at the premises of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS), a meeting will be organized within the project “ALERT” – Phase II, which is implemented by RHMSS in partnership with the Service for Hydrometeorology and Climate of the Agency for Environmental Protection and Energy of Emilia Romagna – Italy (ARPAE), and with the financial support of the Central European Initiative, through its Know-How Exchange Programme (CEI KEP).
The aim of the meeting is to strengthen the role of the media in the field of disaster risk prevention and to define the place and role of the media in the risk communication chain, leading from the source of information to the citizens, especially in the event of an emergency. The meeting is expected to improve cooperation between the media and the relevant authorities at all levels in order to minimize the adverse impacts of potential natural disasters. This programme has been supported by the Italian Embassy and OSCE Mission to Serbia. |
RHMSS awarded for its contribution to the affirmation of the right to free access to information of public importance and transparency in its work | 28.09.2016. | |
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Based on the reviewed Information Booklets of government institutions, on the occasion of the International Right to Know Day, the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) has been awarded for its contribution to the affirmation of the right to free access to information of public importance and transparency in its work in the category of republic authorities. Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Rodoljub Sabic, presented the award to RHMSS Director, Professor Jugoslav Nikolic.
The winners of the awards were selected again this year by the committee consisting of the presidents of the UNS and NUNS journalists' associations, a representative of the academic community and a representative of the Coalition of NGOs for Free Access to Information. Along with RHMSS, the winners of the awards, in respective categories, were also the Ministry of Interior, the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, the Provincial Secretariat of Urban Planning and Environmental Protection and the municipality of Indjija. Besides the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, this event was also supported by the representatives of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Coalition for Free Access to Information, Journalists' Association of Serbia and Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia, as well as by numerous representatives of the media, citizens' associations, public authorities and members of the diplomatic corps. |
SEECOF-15, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Summer 2016 | 03.06.2016. | |
SEECOF-15, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Summer 2016 - SEE Region & Caucasus Region and Climate Outlook for Summer 2016 in Serbia. Documents for download: Consensus Statement SEECOF-15 - summer 2016.pdf Climate outlook for summer 2016 in Serbia.pdf |
RHMSS in the Night of Museums 2016 | 21.05.2016. | |
The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) participated in this year’s, 13th in a row, national Night of Museums, with its exhibition titled “Weather is our Destiny!”. More than 1.200 visitors to the exhibition had an opportunity to get introduced with the measurements of basic meteorological parameters in the meteorological circle in front of the Meteorological Observatory Belgrade (MOB), that is, the Milankovic Climate Centre, located in the Karadjordje Park. Along with that, within the MOB building gallery space, there was an exhibition on the development of meteorological and hydrological activity in Serbia, featuring numerous old instruments for meteorological and hydrological measurements and valuable original books and manuscripts. On this occasion, the visitors could also watch a short movie “Future of Floods and Droughts“ that WMO made for the recently celebrated World Meteorological Day.
More details on the exhibition could be found in the attached pps document available for viewing/download (Nocmuzeja - RHMZ - 21.5.2016 - engleski.pps) |
23.03.2016. | |
Marked World Meteorological Day link | ||
SEECOF-14, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Winter 2015/2016 | 10.12.2015. | |
SEECOF-14, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for winter 2015/2016 - SEE Region & Caucasus Region and Climate Outlook for winter 2015/2016 in Serbia.
Documents for download: Consensus Statement SEECOF-14 - winter 2015-2016.pdf Climate outlook for winter 2015-2016 in Serbia.pdf |
RA VI - WIGOS Workshop in Belgrade | 01.12.2015. | |
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Under the auspices of WMO, a workshop on further development of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) was organized by RHMSS at the Moskva Hotel, in Belgrade from 24 to 27 November 2015. The idea to establish an Integrated Global Observing System within the World Meteorological Organization was triggered by the ever increasing need for better data quality with shorter periods of discretization, and a higher efficacy of measurement system and data exchange, with the least possible expenditures of financial resources. The rationality which this system favours is reflected in the integration, harmonization and standardization of governance and management functions, mechanisms and activities into an integrated observing system comprised of the existing observation networks of the national hydrometeorological services. The key requirement for the success of this approach is strengthening of the observing system by enhancing cooperation and partnerships between national meteorological and hydrological services. This meeting was another in the series of successful WIGOS Workshops, building up on the initial one held at the State Meteorological Agency in Madrid in 2013. The Belgrade Workshop was also the first meeting of this kind organized after the 17th WMO Congress at which it had been concluded that WIGOS, along with the WMO Information System (WIS) was among the seven priorities of WMO. The Belgrade Workshop was comprised of five sessions respectively dedicated to five stages of the planned WIGOS development. The final session was particularly significant since it aimed at updating the WIGOS Implementation Plan for our region (RA VI) and producing a preliminary draft for regional WIGOS pilot projects tailored to individual needs and requirements. The Workshop was attended by as many as 65 experts from WMO and from 35 WMO Member States, which was another indicator of the importance of the meeting. Judging by the numerous commendations received from the participants for the organizational aspects of the Workshop, RHMSS has once again showed its capability to organize national and international meetings of this kind. |
Serbian Delegation
headed by the RHMSS Director
at 17th WMO Congress |
12.06.2015. | |
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Permanent Representative of Serbia and Permanent Representative of USA with WMO |
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The 17th Congress of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) was held in Geneva, Switzerland from 25 May to 12 June 2015. Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, RHMSS Director, attended the second week of the Congress (May 29 – June 6), heading the delegation of the Republic of Serbia that also included Ambassador Vladislav Mladenovic, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Serbia to the UN European Office in Geneva. According to the WMO Convention, Congress, the supreme body of the Organization, convenes once every four years, gathering delegations from all member states. The Congress discusses both meteorological and administrative issues relevant to the Organization, examines the reports on the progress and results achieved in the previous four years, adopts guidelines and recommendations for future development, programmes and activities, and decides on the matters of highest relevance for WMO. Along with tackling the key issues such as disaster risk reduction, data processing and forecasting, climate change impacts and adaptation, marine meteorology and oceanography, agricultural meteorology, research and development, service provision, capacity development, strategic plans and partnerships, etc., at each of its sessions the Congress elects the leadership to steer the Organization in the next four-year period. This year, out of four nominated candidates, the Congress has elected Petteri Taalas, long-serving Director General of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), for the position of the Secretary-General of WMO. David Grimes (Canada) has been re-elected for the second term as WMO President. The First Vice-President, Antonio Divino Moura (Brazil), the Second Vice-President, Mieczyslaw Ostojski (Poland), and the Third Vice-President, Abdalah Mokssit (Morocco), have also been re-appointed, each for an additional four-year term, while the seats in the Executive Council have been assigned to the representatives of the following countries: 1. from RА I – Morocco (ex officio), Zimbabwe (ex officio), Cameroon, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Guinea, Tanzania, Cote d’Ivoire and South Africa; 2. from RА II – Qatar (ex officio), Japan, India, China, Saudi Arabia and Republic of Korea; 3. from RА III – Brazil (ex officio), Paraguay (ex officio), Argentina and Chile; 4. from RА IV – Canada (ex officio), Costa Rica (ex officio), USA, British Caribbean Territories and Mexico; 5. from RА V – Indonesia (ex officio), Fiji, Australia and Singapore; 6. from RА VI – Poland (ex officio), Croatia (ex officio), Germany, Russia, Turkey, France, Spain, Italy and the UK. 4.jpg 5_in front of the building WMO.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9_1.jpg 9_2.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg |
SEECOF-13, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Summer 2015 | 01.06.2015. | |
SEECOF-13, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Summer 2015 - SEE Region & Caucasus Region and Climate Outlook for Summer 2015 in Serbia. Documents for download: Consensus Statement SEECOF-13 - summer 2015.pdf Climate outlook for summer 2015 in Serbia.pdf |
US candidate for IPCC Chair and representative of US Embassy in Belgrade visit RHMSS | 25.05.2015. | |
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Co-chair of the Working Group II (WGII) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), candidate for IPCC Chair, Professor at the Carnegie Institute of Science, Stanford University, US, Chris Field, accompanied by Dr. Katharine Mach, Director of Science within IPCC WGII and Mr. Jeremy Long, representative of the US Embassy in Belgrade, visited the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) on 25 May 2015. Professor Field held a presentation on the future of IPCC and his vision concerning the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), while Dr. Mach presented the results of IPCC AR5. They stressed that IPCC represents a unique cooperation between world scientists and governments, combining experience and vision and gathering thousands of experts and government officials. RHMSS Director, Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, delivered a presentation on RHMSS, with special focus on the activities and results of the RHMSS National Climate Change Center that performs the role of the sub-regional South East European Virtual Climate Change Center (SEEVCCC). Professor Field commended RHMSS results and working methodology in the field of climate and climate change, noting that the RHMSS' approach goes hand in hand with the latest IPCC achievements.
After a fruitful discussion and mutual exchange of experience, the guests visited the premises of the National Climate Change Center at the Karadjordje Park, where RHMSS experts presented the possibilities and achieved results in the field of climate change research in Serbia and South East Europe.
Photo_4 from the presentation of the IPCC Photo_5 from the presentation of the IPCC |
RHMSS in the Night of Museums | 16.05.2015. | |
The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) participated in this year’s, 12th in a row, national Night of Museums, with its exhibition titled “Sunny, with showers of excitement!” More than 800 visitors to the exhibition had an opportunity to get familiar with the measurements of basic meteorological parameters at the meteorological site in front of the Meteorological Observatory Belgrade (MOB), that is, the Milankovic Climate Centre, located in the Karadjordje Park. Along with that, within the MOB building gallery space, there was an exhibition on the development of meteorological and hydrological activity in Serbia, featuring numerous old instruments for meteorological and hydrological measurements and valuable original books and manuscripts. On this occasion, the visitors could also watch a short presentation on the role of RHMSS in the forecasts, warnings and alerts that immediately preceded the floods in Serbia in May 2014, as well as its role in the monitoring and analyzing of meteorological and hydrological parameters during the floods. More details on the exhibition could be found in the attached .pps document available for viewing/download (Noc muzeja - RHMZ - 16.5.2015. - engleski.pps). |
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A delegation of the Japanese Embassy in Belgrade, headed by Mr. Jamasaki Hisashi, Analyst for Economic Affairs, accompanied by a representative of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Ivana Lazarevic, visited RHMSS on 15 May 2015. They discussed potential cooperation of the two countries in the field of meteorology. | ||
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Representatives of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection in Emilia-Romagna Region (ARPA-SIMC), Central European Initiative (CEI) and RHMSS, as participants in the project “Strengthening of the Multi-hazard Early Warning System in the Republic of Serbia” held a joint meeting at the RHMSS premises in Belgrade on 12 May 2015. Dr. Carlo Cacciamani, Project Manager, and Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, Deputy Project Manager, pointed out that, according to the Report on the Implementation of the Project’s Phase I, the Project, initiated just a few months ago, in December 2014, had already surpassed the expectations of the project partners in terms of the production of a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the existing situation in Italy and Serbia in the field of multi-hazard early warning system. The following day, May 13, was dedicated to a joint meeting of the representatives of ARPA-SIMC, CEI, RHMSS and the EuroCube i Naxta agencies, who discussed the potential participation of Italian and Serbian partners in a new project within the EU Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) Programme. The project titled “AdriALERT” is related to the strengthening of resilience of national and local communities to natural disasters, particularly floods in the Ionian and Adriatic macro-region. Participation in this project would continue the joint activities carried out so far on the ongoing project “Strengthening Serbian Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Alert System”. | ||
CONSUL of the Republic of Korea (“South Korea”) VISITS RHMSS |
08.04.2015. | |
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In coordination with the Division for International Cooperation, Public Relations and Coordination of Department Activities of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS), a delegation of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea (“South Korea”), headed by Consul, Mr. Park Jae-Lark, visited RHMSS on April 8, 2015. The aim of the visit was to exchange opinions and experiences related to the contribution of meteorological information to the growth of national economies. The officials discussed operative and scientific experiences concerning the policies and activities of the national meteorological services that function as service providers in the field of monitoring and forecasting weather phenomena, including natural disasters and climate forecasts. | ||
RHMSS and UNDP are establishing а long-term cooperation |
06.04.2015. | |
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On 6 April 2015, a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) delegation visited the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS). The aim of the visit was to establish long-term cooperation between the two institutions, that would provide the exchange of experience and know-how within development projects from the RHMSS' field of activity. The meeting was held at the premises of the RHMSS Department of National Climate Change Center located in Karadjordje's Park. RHMSS Director, Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, and UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, Ms. Steliana Nedera, agreed that it was also necessary to establish cooperation in terms of the obligations of the Republic of Serbia related to EU integration. The workshop titled “Establishment of the National Climate Forum in the Republic of Serbia”, that is planned to be held in June, shall be the first step in cooperation between the two institutions. RHMSS, as a Member of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), is in charge of the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) concept in the Republic of Serbia, and one of the first goals is to establish a National Climate Forum. The GFCS concept has been initiated by WMO, national hydrometeorological services, institutions and other international organizations. The aim of the National Climate Forum is to gather experts from the field of climate and climate change, as well as other stakeholders (decision makers, academic sector, economy, civil society organizations and other possible users of climate data and information) in order to explore the impact of climate change on socio-economic sectors and the possibility to develop the most suitable mechanisms for climate data and information usage. The National Climate Forum shall be a part of regional and global action that will enable the countries to cooperate through the exchange of experience. | ||
RHMSS organized formation of the CONSORTIUM for weather forecast for Southeast Europe |
27.03.2015. | |
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The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) hosted, as initiator and organizer, the first meeting of meteorological services from Southeast Europe, at RHMSS premises in Belgrade, on 27 March 2015. The aim of the meeting was to establish a Short-range Weather Prediction Consortium. Meeting participants were the Directors and experts from the meteorological services of the Republic of Srpska, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania and Serbia. The Consortium, formed at the initiative of RHMSS, is to become a new member in the network of several similar consortia from other European regions, gathered around the meteorological services of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries. The new Consortium shall use the NMMB forecasting model (Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Model on B-grid) which has already been operatively used at RHMSS. This model represents the latest generation forecasting model of the US national meteorological service, with which RHMSS has established cooperation in terms of the model usage and development. Based on the usage of the NMMB model, RHMSS has developed several applications, such as: tailored forecasts for end-users, aerosol transport forecasts, hydrological forecasts, etc. The cooperation within the Consortium shall contribute to further enhancement of the quality and operability of weather forecast in the region and to the development of regional cooperation in general between the Republic of Serbia and other Southeast Europe countries. The meeting gave the participants an opportunity to define a strategy for the application of numerical weather forecast in the region and to agree on their cooperation concerning the development of forecasting systems and the exchange of information relevant for weather forecast. The improvement of weather forecast shall contribute to the reduction of risk caused by extreme meteorological and hydrological events. | ||
RHMSS celebrates World Meteorological Day | 23.03.2015. | |
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Every year, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and its 191 Member States, that is, the meteorological expert and scientific community worldwide, traditionally celebrate World Meteorological Day. This day has been marked every year on March 23 since 1961, as the day of the coming into force in 1950 of the Convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, dealing with research, monitoring and forecasting of atmospheric, climate and water processes and conditions. In some states, the national meteorological and hydrological services are organized as separate bodies, while in others, such as the Republic of Serbia, both services are merged into an integrated system – the hydrometeorological service. On 23 March 2015, the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) celebrated World Meteorological Day, along with World Water Day, at its premises in Belgrade, in the presence of the narrow expert community. In his opening address, RHMSS Director and Permanent Representative of Serbia with WMO, Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, graduate meteorologist, pointed out that each year, both World Meteorological Day and World Water Day celebrations focus on a theme of topical interest. This year, the themes of World Meteorological Day and World Water Day are “Climate knowledge for climate action” and “Water and sustainable development” respectively. Climate conditions influence strategic resources such as water, food and energy, often slowing down or endangering sustainable development of a country, regardless of the stage of its development. Weather and climate knowledge, accumulated during last decades, represents an invaluable resource and a prerequisite for making the right decisions and taking proper actions, says Professor Nikolic. Both themes of this year’s celebrations overlap, just as meteorology and hydrology overlap and complement each other while reflecting the current situation – our concern for the climate and for water conservation, with the aim of creating the future we want. | ||
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On 11 May 2015, the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) was visited by representative of the US Embassy to Belgrade, Mr Todd R. Andrewsen, Major, USAF, Air Attache, Serbia. The goal of the visit was to exchange experiences related to the efficiency of meteorological and hydrological forecasts and warnings within the Flood Defence System. Professor Jugoslav Nikolic, Permanent Representative of Serbia with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the Director of RHMSS, presented to Mr Andrewsen some models used by RHMSS for weather forecasts on different time scales. It has been pointed out that, among other models, RHMSS uses the NMMB Model of the US National Centers for Environmental Prediciton (NCEP), which can be used operatively both as a global and as a meso weather forecast model. The two officials discussed the perspectives for the enhancement of cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and USA in the field of meteorology and hydrology within the Flood Protection System. | ||
RHMSS at the opening of the Pupin's Bridge | 19.12.2014. | |
On 18 December 2014, at the celebration during which Prime Ministers of Serbia and China, Aleksandar Vucic and Li Keqiang respectively, opened the Pupin's Bridge over the Danube river, connecting Belgrade neighborhoods Zemun and Borca within North Tangent Road, RHMSS official, Prof. dr Jugoslav Nikolic, headed a group of RHMSS employees who, despite their numerous obligations, recognized the national importance of this event and wanted to contribute to it symbolically with their presence.
Photographs from the bridge opening ceremony can be seen in RHMSS Gallery |
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Zavisa Janjic at RHMSS | 07.11.2014. | |
The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia hosted a lecture by Prof. Dr. Zavsa Janjic, a Corresponding Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, winner of the IMO prize, and one of today's leading scientists in the field of meteorology. The topic of the lecture was "New challenges in global atmosphere modeling". | ||
Day of Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia marked on 29 September 2014 | 29.09.2014. | |
The Day of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (27 September) was marked this year on 29 September 2014, with a modest celebration for employees, in accordance with austerity measures. The employees were addressed by Prof. dr Jugoslav Nikolic, RHMSS Acting Director, who delivered a speech summarizing significant results and events related to RHMSS that occurred in the past year, after which there was a cocktail at the RHMSS restaurant.
Photographs from the celebration are available in our Gallery. |
IV National Conference on CBC - RHMSS, University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Science, and the municipality of Kanjiža awarded for the SEERISK project by the Office for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia 26.09.2014. | 26.09.2014. | |
At the IV national conference on cross-border cooperation, held on 26 September 2014, under the organization of the CBC and transnational co-operation of the Office for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, project SEERISK (Joint Disaster Risk Management assessment and preparedness in the Danube macro - region), was officially awarded as one of the best among 13 examples of cross-border practice in the Republic of Serbia for the past two years. This international project, which brought together 17 institutions from 9 countries of the region (Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia ), was implemented within the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. At the national level, in addition to RHMSS, the implementation of the project was also conducted by the Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad and the municipality of Kanjiza.
The criteria for evaluation of the projects were as follows: the impact of the project results and sustainability of achieved partnerships, visibility, horizontal issues (cross-cutting issues), the possibility of replication, the relevance of territory/programme/sector, cross-border impact, effectiveness - significant impact on the target groups, collaboration amog different sectors and cooperation between the public and civil society, intercultural dialogue, and a possible correlation with macro-regional strategies, taking into account the effective management of the project.
The letter of congratulations by the Office for European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic Hydrometeorological Servise of Serbia reads: " The project has contributed to the development of your local community, wider cross-border region and the citizens of the area."
Photos from the awards ceremony can be found in our Gallery |
RHMSS in the Night of Museums | 07.06.2014. | |
The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) participated in this year’s, 11th in a row, national Night of Museums, with its exhibition titled “Sunny, with showers of excitement!”. More than a thousand visitors to the exhibition had an opportunity to get introduced with the measurements of basic meteorological parameters in the meteorological zone in front of the Meteorological Observatory Belgrade (MOB), that is, the Milankovic Climate Centre, located in the Karadjordje Park. Along with that, within the MOB building gallery space, there was an exhibition on the development of meteorological and hydrological activity in Serbia, featuring numerous old instruments for meteorological and hydrological measurements and valuable original books and manuscripts. On this occasion, the visitors could also watch a short video on the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia and its role in the monitoring and analysing of meteorological and hydrological parameters. More details on the exhibition could be found in the attached ppsx. document, available for viewing/download. |
Documents for download: | RHMSS in the Night of Museums | |
SEECOF-11, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Summer 2014 - SEE Region and Climate Outlook for Summer 2014 in Serbia | 03.06.2014. | |
SEECOF-11, Consensus Statement for Seasonal Outlook for Summer 2014 - SEE Region and Climate Outlook for Summer 2014 in Serbia | ||
Documents for download: | Climate outlook for summer 2014 in Serbia - pdf | |
Climate outlook for summer 2014 in Serbia - doc | ||
Consensus Statement SEECOF-11 - pdf | ||
Consensus Statement SEECOF-11 - doc |
RHMSS commended for its reporting during recent flood events | 20.05.2014. | |
Dimitar Ivanov, until recently Chief of the WMO Regional Office for Europe, currently Chief of Aeronautical Meteorology Division, WDS Department, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Dear Colleagues, This comprehensive information on the extreme weather situation in Serbia and the activities of RHMSS is greatly appreciated. We can see that the situation has been handled properly and the warning information provided in advance is with high accuracy, which comes to demonstrator the ability of RHMSS to monitor and forecast such extraordinary events. Please pass our highest appraciation to all operational and management staff that must have been extremely busy during those days. We will be happy to cooperate with RHMSS and with the hydromet services of BiH and Croatia and other partners, such as the Sava River Commission, in conducting a post-factum comprehensive analysis of the event. Best regards Dimitar Ivanov |
Three meetings organized by RHMSS under the auspices of WMO 13 – 21 November 2013 | 28.11.2013. | |
Under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in the period 13 – 21 November 2013, the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS), host of the South-East European Virtual Climate Changes Center (SEEVCCC), organized and hosted three expert meetings from the field of climate. 13-16 November - Regional training on Long-Range Forecasts, Climate Watch Related Aspects and Climate Scenarios (LRF training); 18-19 November - The First Session of the Mediterranean Climate Outlook Forum (MedCOF-1); 20-21 November - The Tenth Session of the South-East European Climate Outlook Forum (SEECOF-10). The LRF training, SEECOF-10 and MedCOF-1 meetings were attended by 35 experts from 20 countries. Along with the representatives from the national meteorological and hydrological services of Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Mauritania, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Spain, FYR Macedonia and Turkey, experts from German (Deutscher Wetterdienst – DWD) and French meteorological service (Meteo-France), as well as the experts from scientific and research institutions and ministries from the country and abroad, also took part in the meetings. The final day of the meetings was dedicated to the exchange of opinions and experience with the users of hydrometeorological services from the region and Serbia – the Croatian Electricity Company, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Management of Montenegro, Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection of Serbia, Electric Power Company of Serbia and Belgrade Power Plants. Attached herewith are the results of the forum comprised in the Consensus statement on the seasonal outlook for the winter season 2013/2014 for the South Eastern Europe and Caucasus Region (SEE&C), containing a separate forecast for Serbia. More details on: |
Documents for download: | Consensus Statement | |
WMO – RA VI Award Certificate goes to our colleague meteorologist Periša Šunderić | 15.10.2013. | |
It is our great pleasure to anounce that the Regional Association VI (RA VI) (Europe) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) awarded a special Certificate to our meteorologist, Mr. Periša Šunderić, Head of the Division for Hydrometeorological Telecommunication System in the Department of Hydrometeorological Technical Infrastructure and Operating Systems of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS), recognizing his selfless contribution to the regional activities during the period 2009 - 2013 as a Member of the WMO CBS Task Team on Regional Migration to Table Driven Code Forms of the WG/TDI . In the cover letter to the Certificate, a sincere thanks is expressed to RHMSS for its support to the WMO regional activities. | ||
Documents for download: | Cover letter | |
Certificate | ||
Тhe Day of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, 27.9.2013 | 27.09.2013. | |
The celebration of the Day of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia was held in the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) In the year of many anniversaries, RHMSS became a full member of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts – ECMWF. With regard to that, the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on the accession of the Republic of Serbia to the ECMWF Convention and related terms and conditions was signed by Professor Alan Thorpe, ECMWF Director-General and Mr Vladan Kocić, RHMSS Director. The presence of guests from Europe, state leaders, scientists and numerous invitees have honoured our ceremony. Photographies from the ceremony can be found on: |
Documents for download: | ECMWF press release | |
RHMSS press release | ||
Consensus Statement SEECOF 9 with the summer 2013 for Serbia | 10.06.2013. | |
Documents for download: | Consensus Statement SEECOF 9 with the summer 2013 outlook for Serbia | |
IMO Prize to Prof. Zaviša Janjić | 28.05.2013. | |
A reception in the honour of Prof. Zaviša Janjić, this year’s winner of the prestigious Inernational Meteorological Otganization (IMO) Prize, was held in Belgrade, at Klub Poslanika, on 27 May 2013. The gathering was organized and hosted by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS). Prof. Janjić was jointly nominated for IMO prize by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, on behalf of the Republic of Serbia, and by the USA, where the scientist has lived and worked since 1994. More in document |
Documents for download: | IMO prize | |
World Meteorological Day and World Water Day celebrated on March 21 | 21.03.2013. | |
Every year, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and its 191 member states, meteorological community and general scientific public worldwide traditionally mark World Meteorological Day. The Convention establishing WMO, a specialized agency of the United Nations System dealing with research, monitoring and forecasting of the processes and changes in the atmosphere, climate and water, entered into force on March 23, 1950. This year, the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) has celebrated World Meteorological Day and World Water Day on March 21. More on celebration: As WMO celebrates the 50th anniversary of the World Weather Watch this year, the theme of the World Meteorological Day 2013 is “Watching the weather to protect life and property”. In accordance with the Decision of the UN General Assembly issued in December 2010, proclaiming the 2013 as the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, World Water Day is celebrated under the slogan “Water, water everywhere, only if we share”. This year RHMSS also celebrates three important historical anniversaries: 165 years since the beginning of the first systematic meteorological measurements of temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind and air pressure in Serbia, 125 years since the establishment of the first national meteorological service and of the unified meteorological station network in Serbia, as well as 5 years since the founding of the subregional South East European Virtual Climate Change Center (SEEVCCC) “Milutin Milankovic”, hosted by RHMSS. The annual student grant award from the WMO “Borivoje Dobrilovic” trust fund was presented to the recipient during the World Meteorological Day ceremony at RHMSS. By virtue of a Decision of the WMO Executive Council, the Fund was established in 1974 to commemorate Dr. Borivoj Dobrilovic, Assistant Professor at the Meteorology Department of the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, and UN expert. The annual student grant from the “Borivoje Dobrilovic” trust fund was awarded to the best student of the Institute of Meteorology of the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade – Ms. Ines Skoko, a third year student. During the celebration, Director of the SGS certification company, Mr. Marinko Ukropina, ceremonially presented the recently obtained Certificate for successful implementation of the quality management system, fulfilling the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 international standard, to Mr. Milan Dacic, RHMSS Director. |
Documents for download: | Message from M. Jarraud, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization | |
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