Seasonal weather forecast
Seasonal weather forecast is updated once a month. It is made in the form of textual bulletin and graphics for 7 months in advance. It contains information on forecasted deviation of mean monthly minimum and maximum air temperature as well as mean monthly precipitation quantity.
Forecast date: 20.01.2025.
Forecasted mean min. and max. temperature values | Forecasted mean monthly precipitation quantity |
JANUARY 2025: Milder and averagely wet January. In the second and third decade of January, moderate, occasionally severe morning frost.
The mean minimum air temperature in January is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from around 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean January minimum temperature is forecast to be 1.1ºС. The mean maximum air temperature in January is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average in most of country, and from 2.0ºС to 4.0ºС above the multiannual average in Timocka Krajina. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean January maximum temperature is forecast to be 6.9ºС. The mean precipitation sums in January are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm below the multiannual average in the entire country. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean January precipitation sums are forecast to be around 38 mm.
FEBRUARY 2025: Milder and drier February. Low probability for the occurrence of severe frosts.
The mean minimum air temperature in February is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean February minimum temperature is forecast to be 2.3ºC. The mean maximum air temperature in February is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean February maximum temperature is forecast to be 9.5ºC. The mean precipitation sums in February are forecast to be below the multiannual average, from around 5 mm to 15 mm below the multiannual average in most of the country. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean February precipitation sums are forecast to be around 27 mm.
MARCH 2025: Milder and averagely wet March. Light to moderate frost may occur.
The mean minimum air temperature in March is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 0.5ºС to 1.0ºС above the multiannual average in most of Serbia, in Vojvodina, and from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average in Eastern and Southern S. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean March minimum temperature is forecast to be around 5.0ºC. The mean precipitation sums in March are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm below the multiannual average in most of the country. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean March precipitation sums are forecast to be around 38 mm. The mean precipitation sums in March are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm below the multiannual average in all of Serbia. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean March precipitation sums are forecast to be around 31 mm.
APRIL 2025: In entire Serbia, milder and averagely wet April. In the first decade of April, light to moderate frost may occur.
The mean minimum air temperature in April is forecast to be above the multiannual average, from 1.0ºС to 2.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean April minimum temperature is forecast to be 10.2ºC. The mean maximum air temperature in April is forecast to be above the multiannual average ranging from 0.5ºC to 1.0ºC above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean April maximum temperature is forecast to be 19.1ºC. The mean precipitation sums in April are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm above the multiannual average in most of the country. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean April precipitation sums are forecast to be around 49 mm.
MAY 2025: Warmer and averagely wet May. May rain.
The mean minimum air temperature in May is forecast to be above the multiannual average, ranging from 0.5ºC to 1.0ºC above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean May minimum temperature is forecast to be 13.8ºC. The mean maximum air temperature in May is forecast to be above the multiannual average, ranging from around 0.5ºС to 1.0С above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean May maximum temperature is forecast to be 24.2ºC. The mean precipitation sums in May are forecast to be within the multiannual average, from around 5 mm to 10 mm below the multiannual average in all of Serbia. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean May precipitation sums are forecast to be around 52 mm.
JUNE 2025: In most of Serbia, warmer and averagely wet, in Negotinska Krajina warmer and wetter June.
The mean minimum air temperature in June is forecast to be above the multiannual average, ranging from 0.5ºC to 1.0ºC above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean June minimum temperature is forecast to be 17.2ºC. The mean maximum air temperature in June is forecast to be above the multiannual average, ranging from 0.5ºС to 1.0ºС above the multiannual average in Vojvodina. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean June maximum temperature is forecast to be 27.6ºC. The mean precipitation sums in June are forecast to be within the multiannual average, around 5 mm below the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean June precipitation sums are forecast to be around 57 mm.
JULY 2025: In most of Serbia, warmer and drier, in Southern and Southeastern Serbia, warmer and averagely wet July. Occurrence of heat waves.
The mean minimum air temperature in July is forecast to be above the multiannual average, ranging from 0.5ºC to 1.0ºC above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean July minimum temperature is forecast to be 19.0ºC. The mean maximum air temperature in July is forecast to be above the multiannual average, ranging from 0.5ºС to 1.0ºС above the multiannual average. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean July maximum temperature is forecast to be 29.9ºC. The mean precipitation sums in July are forecast to be below the multiannual average, from around 5 mm to 10 mm below the multiannual average in most of the country, and from 5 to 10 mm below the multiannual average in Southern and Southeastern Serbia. In Belgrade and its wide vicinity, the mean July precipitation sums are forecast to be around 31 mm.
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