Meteorological observing system in Serbia
Center for operative application of meteorological observation ( with 30 meteorological stations as group )
Meteorological observatory Beograd
Meteorological observatory Niš
Meteorological observatory Novi Sad
Laboratory center for instruments and methods of observations
Meteorological observatory Beograd
Meteorological observatory Niš
Meteorological observatory Novi Sad
Laboratory center for instruments and methods of observations
It performs a continous monitoring of weather conditions through measurements and observations at numerous meteorological stations
defined by the WMO; efficient acquisitions, technical control and processing of the meteorological data;
data distribution via modern telecommunication network and data transfer to national and international exchange;
operating and maintaing of MOSS; studying of the meteorological observational methods and modern tehnical achievements recommended by the WMO;
planning the development and optimisation of the system.
Network of meteorological stations established on the teritory of Serbia,( given as a chart ). Background data and activities of the obsrvatories.
Standardization of instruments and methods of observation, calibration of instruments and maintaing of national standards for meteorological physical values.
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