Operative tasks and applied research carried out in Department for Agrometeorology have the goal of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production in Serbia and its sustainable development. Various products of operative activities, like agrometeorological analyses, forecasts and warnings are used in setting the time for sawing and harvesting, planning and applying of agrotechnical measures and protection measures, assessment of yield, preparation of economic policy measures and in other modes of short-term and medium-term planning and activities in agriculture.... More


    • Seven-day agrometeorological bulletin
    • Decade agrometeorological survey
    • Monthly information
    • Annual agrometeorological analysis
    • Agrometeorological bulletin with analytical and forecasting products of the CROPSYST model

Agrometeorological research has applied character and mostly relates to: studying and assessment of changes in agroclimate potential of the Serbian territory on the basis of knowledge on climate variations and change; studying of meteorological phenomena causing significant changes in agriculture with the aim of reducing their consequences; improvement of operative agrometeorological method, especially introduction in operative use of the models crop/weather and weather/plant diseases with the aim of increasing the quality of agrometeorological analyses and forecasts; carrying out of experiments on lysimetric station; etc...More


Presentation of research products:


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